
For the birds...

Recently, I spent the afternoon shooting hummingbirds in Arizona. We hung a feeder on a second floor balcony for a bird portrait feeding station (thanks Pete!!) By high noon, the feeder/portrait sitting station was ready for business. We had quite a few different clients fly in for the afternoon sitting. Some did not like the flash equipment (a total of 3 flashes were used) while others naturally strutted their stuff in front of the camera. There was a beautiful red head who flew away. But there was one in particular that I have a suspicion announced to the bird world he was calling this feeder his own...

Shot in collaboration with Peter. You can see more of the shoot here: (http://www.flickr.com/photos/petezazz/).

Hummingbird-25 WM

Hummingbird-21 WM

Hummingbird-13 WM

Hummingbird-2 WM

The Airplane:
Hummingbird-8 WM

Hummingbird-27 WM

mmmm... sugar water!
Hummingbird WM

Archilochus colubris

Here's a link to see the set-up of the shoot: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3037/3021445542_b4e0596e4a_b.jpg"

For more on the hummingbirds migration from North America down through Arizona on their way to the tropics:


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